Monday, October 17, 2022

 "The Shell Collector" by Nancy Naigle

The smallest trinkets are sometimes bring the greatest joys. Change may also bring joy but that is harder to rise from depending upon why you are making a change. 

For many years now, my family and I have traveled down to the Gulf Coast and collected sea shells. How beautiful they are! To think of what lived inside and then left to move on to a bigger shell. Nature brings amazing gifts. We just have to open our eyes.

This book is one of those gifts. Pick it up and engross yourself in how one example of love, hope, joy and more translate into more than you could dream of. It's when the surprises in life show you what's important. How to find the joy and see the stars shining above.

Excellent book. Brought me to tears when I read the last sentence. How moving this book is! How well written. Love the characters and the story line. This book is a keeper! One to read over and over again over the years.

Now, what are you waiting for? "The Shell Collector" can be found at Amazon and retailers. 

Thank you, Nancy!

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